all postcodes in CM13 / BRENTWOOD

find any address or company within the CM13 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM13 2AA 1 51.612773 0.318928
CM13 2AB 0 51.611042 0.323231
CM13 2AD 0 51.609343 0.324126
CM13 2AF 0 51.611103 0.323783
CM13 2AG 0 51.611083 0.321197
CM13 2AH 0 51.613318 0.316543
CM13 2AJ 0 51.613954 0.316056
CM13 2AP 0 51.610772 0.326424
CM13 2AQ 0 51.613096 0.317601
CM13 2AR 0 51.611438 0.327772
CM13 2AS 1 51.611868 0.326509
CM13 2AT 0 51.611628 0.325904
CM13 2AU 0 51.611175 0.326083
CM13 2AX 0 51.611768 0.324756
CM13 2AY 0 51.612563 0.326067
CM13 2AZ 1 51.612859 0.324609
CM13 2BA 0 51.613134 0.325245
CM13 2BB 0 51.613717 0.327123
CM13 2BD 0 51.613537 0.327143
CM13 2BG 1 51.61282 0.328073